That is a good word so many different ways to say it and so many ways it can be taken. Thinking about happiness what does that really mean to me. When breaking it down I realize how good I have it and how happy I really am. Let me start with saying I have a bad habit of saying "Today is not my day!". I tend to have those days a lot when I get flustered, anxious, sad, angry, defeated, and nothing seems to go the way I want it to. The singer Jamie Grace said at her concert that her dad has to remind her all of the time "Kid you are right it isn't your day..because it is the Lords day he created this day so be grateful and use this day to praise him.".
Wow was he right!!! That one sure smacked me across the face and down that high ladder I had gotten myself on. That really got me to thinking about how grateful and happy I really am. Happiness is waking up in the morning to even see the day the Lord has made and even better to share that day with my kids and fiance along with friends and family. I am so happy that my grandma who is my best friend is there to talk to me every single day like she always has a kid our conversations have gone from morning and afternoon drives to and from school to constantly throughout my weekends plans to morning and drives to and from work and constantly on my off days. God could not have chosen a better grandma for me and it makes me puff my chest out like a little bird to know that I take after her so much and and am well on my way to being a little mother of the world like her and her mother.
Now I can't forget that I am so happy to have the job I have with coworkers and bosses that I actually look forward to seeing everyday! That job allows me to have a car that is reliable, a roof over our head, food on our table, lights and water..and cable and internet! As a single mom I can tell you when I first got out on my own I had a small apartment with tile all through it, a crib that was given to me, a bed, and dresser that were given to me; and that was it not even electricity for the first month. Little by little I saved up and bought one piece of furniture at a time from a little thrift store ran by a very sweet woman. Once I graduated from college and moved I now own everything even have been able to upgrade on some items that fell apart to no repair. That is where I am happy to know that I did it and with the help of God and angels in my life.
Lastly, I am a big nerd so I get lots of happiness from,, and Who have all been a part of my past, present, and future with free books that I always have to readitforward with my coworkers, friends, family, and strangers. If you have ever had a stranger give you a book just because they thought you needed it..READ IT! God sent you that book and you never know what you will get out of it. I bring people books all of the time because they just randomly pop in my head that someone needs that book and if I get it back then cool on to the next person and if I don't then hey I hope they have readitforward. All of that happiness that I tend to look past because one thing goes wrong and my bad habit is going to take some breaking but it will be broken. Happiness is around everyone all day and night long you have to just have to open your eyes to see the Lords day that he has made and praise him!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
I met a man at a park one day both of us playing with our child. In one look there was instant attraction and as we played and talked I could not help but smile every time he spoke. From there we set up play dates and movie nights for the kids and us. Over time we fell in love I cannot imagine my life without him or his son in it. This man I have spent many days and nights just laughing all of the family gatherings with his family and mine through trials at work, family and friends we have not ever gone to bed angry always in love and laughter.
Now he will forever more be in my past present and future. At first it was joking pictures I would send him a picture of a ring or joke about having a little something something would make it all better. Then one day he sent me a picture asking me what it could be.....A bright flash of a camera on a mirror I say. Later on another picture of a gold box asking what could be in it...Godiva chocolate I say. We laugh it off and days later we are having a family gathering and my little sister and I take his jeep for a trip for candy and popcorn for family home evening with The Croods. While at the store I found a box of chocolate that is small and gold. I buy it and hide it in his console taking a pic of the corner of the gold box in his car sending it to him saying I found a gold box! All fun and games laughing and joking as we always do.
A week later at work I receive a picture of a packing box that says Kay Jewelers as I go into work. All I can do is think about hanging him by his toes and boxing his ears when I see him next for all this teasing he is doing. On my first break at work I call him and he states he doesn't want to be romantic that just isn't us so he is going to throw the box at me when he asks or put it in a pie. Now I like my food now so good thing he didn't use food or I might have eaten it! I come home from work and he throws a gold box at me as I come in the is empty. All fun and games sure we eat dinner play with the kids and then him and his son leave to go home. After he leaves I receive a text saying if my heart is in it a ring will appear. Now I am looking high and low for this ring!! Just as I start to give up I receive another message stating just encase..WILL YOU MARRY ME?! Now my heart is pumping and I cannot breathe. I just cannot take it anymore and just as I am about to give up I see a shadow on my wall and look behind a picture and there is a little black box. I look and my son is standing next to me smiling saying Papi loves you Mommy.
My son and I open the box together and there is my engagement ring so beautiful so elegant I stop breathing and almost pass out. My son tells me how shiny and pretty it is that Papi got it from the diamond jewelry store because he loves me...then he asks me "Mom can we share that ring?"! As I put the ring on my finger and text Rafael back saying Yes Yes I will marry you I have to explain to my four year old son why boys do not wear rings. I am the luckiest happiest woman alive to be in love and claimed by the best man in the entire world. Count down to our wedding day on October 15, 2015 is so far away yet so close I cannot wait and have so much planning to do! I do promise I will make more time to stay up to date and come back often for highlights into my life!

A week later at work I receive a picture of a packing box that says Kay Jewelers as I go into work. All I can do is think about hanging him by his toes and boxing his ears when I see him next for all this teasing he is doing. On my first break at work I call him and he states he doesn't want to be romantic that just isn't us so he is going to throw the box at me when he asks or put it in a pie. Now I like my food now so good thing he didn't use food or I might have eaten it! I come home from work and he throws a gold box at me as I come in the is empty. All fun and games sure we eat dinner play with the kids and then him and his son leave to go home. After he leaves I receive a text saying if my heart is in it a ring will appear. Now I am looking high and low for this ring!! Just as I start to give up I receive another message stating just encase..WILL YOU MARRY ME?! Now my heart is pumping and I cannot breathe. I just cannot take it anymore and just as I am about to give up I see a shadow on my wall and look behind a picture and there is a little black box. I look and my son is standing next to me smiling saying Papi loves you Mommy.
My son and I open the box together and there is my engagement ring so beautiful so elegant I stop breathing and almost pass out. My son tells me how shiny and pretty it is that Papi got it from the diamond jewelry store because he loves me...then he asks me "Mom can we share that ring?"! As I put the ring on my finger and text Rafael back saying Yes Yes I will marry you I have to explain to my four year old son why boys do not wear rings. I am the luckiest happiest woman alive to be in love and claimed by the best man in the entire world. Count down to our wedding day on October 15, 2015 is so far away yet so close I cannot wait and have so much planning to do! I do promise I will make more time to stay up to date and come back often for highlights into my life!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Pointing Fingers and Cursing Fees?! Tough Life...or Not.
Life can sure be tough especially when you need it to be easy and a breeze; yet it would be life if it was always easy. I am thankful today that I have the job I have and can breathe and count to 10 when needed. I have a roof, car, food, and a wonderful little boy that always surprises me with funny sayings. Today he informed me that his friend broke the handle on the toilet at school and when I asked him how he knew for sure it was his friend....the response I got " I didn't do it mom!". BINGO!!! Someone just told on them-self.
Speaking of telling on oneself that tends to happen a lot. God says speak with salt and including myself it is forgotten to follow that rule. Today it saddens me that a local Huntsville, Alabama tow truck company, Affordable Towing, was dragged through the mud by the news because a woman cursed at them for towing her car having people harass them and yet they are the bad guys for charging her a cursing fee. The woman stated her friends told her it would cost $200.00 to get her car out of impound then stated her friends never called the company. When questioned she had no idea where they got the idea she cursed; however, a police officer was witness and had a report of the incident as it happened. I reckon it is just instinct for us to tell the truth you cannot lie it will come out. SPEAK WITH SALT and you have no worries.
I pray my son learns his lesson as well as this woman to start from the beginning being honest and owning up to mistakes whether intentional or not. A big fear in this world is judgement everyone wants to be perfect and have everyone happy with them leaving everyone to point fingers the best they can when a mistake is made. We all need to own up to mistakes and wrong doings from the beginning no matter how big or small and remember speak with salt and life can be easier.
Speaking of telling on oneself that tends to happen a lot. God says speak with salt and including myself it is forgotten to follow that rule. Today it saddens me that a local Huntsville, Alabama tow truck company, Affordable Towing, was dragged through the mud by the news because a woman cursed at them for towing her car having people harass them and yet they are the bad guys for charging her a cursing fee. The woman stated her friends told her it would cost $200.00 to get her car out of impound then stated her friends never called the company. When questioned she had no idea where they got the idea she cursed; however, a police officer was witness and had a report of the incident as it happened. I reckon it is just instinct for us to tell the truth you cannot lie it will come out. SPEAK WITH SALT and you have no worries.
I pray my son learns his lesson as well as this woman to start from the beginning being honest and owning up to mistakes whether intentional or not. A big fear in this world is judgement everyone wants to be perfect and have everyone happy with them leaving everyone to point fingers the best they can when a mistake is made. We all need to own up to mistakes and wrong doings from the beginning no matter how big or small and remember speak with salt and life can be easier.
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