Monday, March 31, 2014

Veterans are the reason we are here so respect and honor them!

These veterans fought in the Vietnam war barely legal themselves who lost not only those fighting beside them, but family members back home that they couldn't be there for. We have the freedom because of soldiers that raise their hand and step up for us! I am allowed to play with my children, cook what I want, own pets, drive a car, vote, work ;even play games at work like today we had cake pops and bingo to celebrate workers appreciation as well as a potluck this week as a thank you to everyone that works hard. What did these soldiers get?!! Death, death, more death then came home to be shunned, spit on and name called. Do you think that is enough? No, okay I will continue then these soldiers had things called agent orange and post traumatic stress disorder that weren't even in our vocabulary, dictionary, or medical records yet. Therefore, they did not get medical treatment needed. Up until 3 years ago we didn't have Vietnam Veterans Day and I am proud to say that my grandfather retired CW4, Warren Harmon, spoke at and hosted with his team the 3rd annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Ceremony. I was blessed to be present and witness to these great brave men receive awards they should have received many many years ago! I was also grateful to be present to see Earl Watts sing in person and felt my heart fly to his song To My Brother Private William Jones.
Take the time check out these brave men who received honors and Mr. Watts wonderful song then don't forget to celebrate soldier appreciation by doing kind things and welcoming home these brave soldiers who once young raised their hands.

Welcome Home Third Annuan Vietnam Veterans Ceremony

Earl Watts and his song To My Brother Private William Jones

I send a big thank you to my family who have served my grandpapa, great-grandaddy, and older brother! I love you guys and all you have done for us!!

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